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Since the 1960’s Bachmann has been a force in model railroading. With a modern production line, Bachmann products are available around the world. Bachmann is the world’s largest train company by sales volume. Many young model railroaders first train set was a Bachmann train set. Trains and Toy Soldiers has a selection of train sets to choose from.

Trains sets are a great way to begin your journey into the world of model railroading. Soon you will be building a world born entirely out of your vast imagination. A train set allows you to get started on a guided journey of discovery. N gauge is also a popular choice with model railroaders who cannot afford to devote much space to their layout. Another advantage of choosing Bachmann for your train set is there patented e-z- track system which customers report makes set up quick and easy. Train sets generally include everything you need to begin model railroading.

Trains and Toy Soldiers plans on expanding our selection of Bachmann N scale trains, so check back here often to see what is new.