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​The Art of Building Plastic Model Airplanes Part 3 of 3

Aug 11th 2017

The Art of Building Plastic Model Airplanes - Part 3 of 3

Now that the model is almost ready, we are on the final stretch and we will have no problem finalizing the entire process. That being said, here you will have to follow a few final steps before the process gets completed.


Airbrush around 3 inches away from the model. You don’t want to be too close, because results will not be that good.


Once you finish airbrushing, the model is now ready for drawing, use a pencil in order to draw over the intended panel lines! This is a great technique if you want to improve the contrast. It will also make the panel lines a lot more visible, which is a really good option to consider at this time!


If you need this type of effect, you just have to use the eraser from a pencil. It really works as expected as the value can be second to none in the end.

Attach the smaller parts

Some parts like the wheels are extremely hard to attach at this time, so the idea is that you have to do all in your power in order to attach those parts adequately. The more you focus on that, the better the results can be, but try to not push too much as it can cause some damage.

Cut out the marks and symbols

At this point, you need to attach the decals. Cut them out and do remember that you need to apply a decal setting solution on the model. This is extremely important if you want the decals to stick properly!

Apply multiple coats of setting solution

This will help the decal adhere properly and it will also provide a great and professional way to handle the entire process. Make the process as easy as possible and remember that there is a huge value to be had in this, you just have to address it adequately!

Study the finished product

Now the model should be complete. Let it dry a little bit and then you will have to study the finished product the best way you can. You need to consider the fact that the finished product needs to be as close to the reference image as possible. Studying that image is a crucial thing to keep in mind, because that’s the only way to see if you can improve on your model creation skills next time.

Quality is crucial here, but do keep in mind the fact that model airplanes tend to require a lot of attention to detail. In order to achieve those results, you need to do everything in order power to see what other hobbyists did and how you can further enhance your skills. There is no need to worry here, you just have to go ahead and improve however you can. This is a process that ends up taking a lot of effort, but the value on its own can always be second to none if you do it right!

Trains and Toy Soldiers hopes that you have enjoyed this series of videos. Please contact us here or 

call 1-800-786-1888 if we can ever help you get started or complete your next modeling project.