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Life of Jesus

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Life of Jesus

Jesus of Nazareth, the son of God was begotten by Virgin Mary and Joseph in a manger in Bethlehem of Judea. Born as the King of the Jews, King Herod tried to kill Jesus and ended up killing all the male children under the age of two in the whole Bethlehem while Jesus had been taken way to Egypt and later to Nazareth. The most popular aspects of the life of Jesus were his water baptism, transfiguration with John, Peter and James, his death and crucifixion, resurrection and his ascension from earth to heaven. Jesus started his ministry when John the Baptist baptized him from where he proceeded to preach and gather disciples in Galilee. Jesus performed so many miracles such as healing the lepers, restoring sights to the blinds, raising the dead, healing the sick, casting out demons, turning water to wine and creating bread and fish for people amongst others. Jesus predicted his own betrayal, death and resurrection. Judas Iscariot betrayed him for thirty pieces of silver and Jesus was consequently captured and killed on the Cross of Calvary after which he resurrected, appeared to his disciples and ascended to heaven. Our Life of Jesus Toys are stunning and perfect for you. They include gorgeous toys of Jesus, the fishermen, the centurion, standing primum pilus, Mary, Joseph & the Infant Jesus and the scholar but to mention a few.