Steam Trains
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Steam Trains
Steam trains are powered by steam. Steam locomotives are powered by heated water vapor. Although steam power is now hundreds of years old, it still generates must of the electric we use today. The first steam engines used woodfired boilers. Later coal fired boilers were used. Both wood and coal fired boilers could power steam engines that traveled long distances. The limiting factor was the water that was used to make the steam thus setting up water station or water stops. The first steam engines required water stops quite often. The steam engine would only be able to travel seven to ten miles before a water stop would be necessary. Later when tenders were introduced, steam engines could travel for much longer distances. With a tender, a steam engine could travel between one hundred and one hundred fifty miles without a stop at a water station. Some of the last and most powerful steam engines, such as the Union Pacific Challenger 3938 was powered by fuel oil number five.
Trains and Toy Soldier has a chance to visit Union Pacific at Cody Park in North Platte. Over seventy years later the challenger stands as an amazing feat of engineering. Union Pacific stills maintains Union Pacific Challenger 3985 in operating condition. Trains and Toy Soldiers hope to visit it one day. What a sight that must be to see.
Trains and Toy Soldiers loves steam engines. From Z scale to G gauge, there is something magically and alluring about steam engines. We have many different steam engines to choose from and we are expanding our selection constantly. Please call us at 1-800-786-1888, if we can help you find a particular steam engine. Trains and Toy Soldiers loves talking trains.