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Raid on St. Francis

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Raid on St. Francis

The Raid on St. Francis was a great attack in the Indian and French War by Robert Rogers on St. Francis, close to the southern shore of the River of Saint Lawrence in what was then the French area of Canada, on 4th October 1759. Rogers entered the village (which was supposedly occupied majorly by children, women, and the elders) very early in the morning, with around 140 men, killed a lot of inhabitants where they lay, shot down numerous who tried to escape, and than afterward set the village ablaze. Rogers reported murdered approximately 300 individuals, while French reports did place the number up to thirty, mostly children and women. One of Rogers' men was murdered, and seven were injured. Robert Rogers had the belief that the attack was a complete amazement and a great achievement. His report does paint a stunning triumph. He refused to count the bodies before he left the town and might have totally believed that the vast majority of the Indians were dead. Also, he played down the number of his own men who were injured or executed. A huge number of the town's residents who were absent at the raid kept on serving with the French forces in the war, settling in other local communities along the Saint Lawrence. Eventually, the town itself rebuilt.