Mike Wolf, the founder of MTH started building and selling trains at age 12. In 1973, Williams Electric Trains was buying the creations of Mike Wolf in this classic American success story. By 1980, Mike Wolf had begun a mail order business from his parents’ home. The mail order business expanded when Wolf bought the tooling equipment from Williams Electric Trains and started producing reproductions of Lionel Corporation model trains. Lionel and MTH merged certain facets of their operation in 1987 and by the early 1990’s, MTH had grown into the second-largest Lionel dealer in the United States of America. MTH has gone from the scrappy upstart company to one of the leaders in the electric model railroad industry. The legal battle and back and forth allegations between Lionel and MTH have been the subject of many a bull session amongst electric railroad modelers. Trains and Toy Soldiers respects the hard work and can do attitude that brought Mike Wolf’s MTH to the top of the model electric train railroading world. As a small family run concern, Trains and Toy Soldiers is convinced that delivering excellent products at affordable prices to model railroaders is a recipe for success. Trains and Toy Soldiers plans to expand our offerings of MTH products. If there is a specific series or product you would like us to carry, please leave your request on our comments page.