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Dec 9th 2016


As far back as 1943 when Rev Wilbert Vere Awdry created the character Thomas to cheer up little Christopher, Rev Awdry’s inventive work has been making children happy.

Thomas the Tank engine has been a true friend to countless children across the planet. Thomas’s ability to create inspiration and high moral character has transcended generations and cultures. Thomas the Tank Engine powers kids’ imagination about life and builds their skills in identifying challenges and solving problems.

We believe that the secret to Thomas the Train is his boundless energy. A trait he shares with young children ever where. Children never like to be idle or feel unable. Kids always want to get things done and make changes and this is the most appealing aspect of Thomas’s character. Thomas stories of can do attitude inspires children to believe that they too can achieve important things with perseverance and creativity.

We believe that Thomas helps children to be active and impacts their physical, cognitive and social values.

Thomas affects children’s Physical Ability:

  • Sensory. It improves their ability to see, differentiate colors, voices, sounds, textures and location. Children exposed to Thomas have developed their sense of imagination and ability to create.
  • Fine motor. The hallmark of learning is by doing and as kids engage with the engine features it improves their coordination ability to handle things with finesse.
  • Gross motor. Thomas gives children a reason to be active as they move the train on the track; they do so moving different parts of their body thus engaging in some workout.
  • Balance & coordination. Success in an adults’ life is measured by the degree of balance and coordination; this is taught by Thomas to children as they try to create their own stories using the Thomas wooden train.
  • Thomas impacts children Cognitive Ability:
  • Curiosity & Discovery. With available varieties of toys, TV kids character series, children can develop remarkable curiosity and discovery ability which helps them to create their own version of what they saw.
  • Imagination & creativity. Their love for Thomas provided the ground to build children’s imagination and creative ability. Kids make meaning out of every storybook, TV episode and connect with the toys they see every day.
  • Thinking & Problem solving. Have you ever seen your little kid operate your cell phone that you are still fiddling with? That is the power Thomas builds in them with ease, the ability to think and figure out a way to handle a problem.
  • Academics. Many life concepts are picked up while playing with Thomas the wooden train. As they move it up and down, speeding and going slow, they learn valuable lessons that are helpful in their future academic success.
  • Thomas impacts children Social & emotional ability:
  • Sharing & Cooperation. Thomas builds the bridge between children and adults life by exposing them to friendship, sharing, and cooperation as they play together sharing their toys. They learn to help one another and have fun together.
  • Listening & Communication. Thomas episodes on adventures, toys, and storybook teach children the ability to listen, understand and communicate with one another.
  • Self-Expression & Confidence. Different personalities they encounter build their diversity awareness and also imbue them with confidence to defend their cause.
  • Security & Happiness. Thomas creates sense of reality for children to connect with friends and share emotions as they smile, laugh and show happiness when they meet.
  • Thomas the train wooden railway is indeed a true friend for children.