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Clash of Empires

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Clash of Empires

Clash of Empires covers a full range of military figures created by W Britain, covering the historic and
world changing era of the 1750s to the 1790s, when much of the world was at war. Colonial America
was being shaped, out of which would one day emerge the boundaries and political realities of modern
America. It was during this time that a young officer from the British Colony of Virginia made his first
mark on history. On May 28th, 1754, twenty-two-year old Lieutenant Colonel George Washington,
accompanied by a company of colonial militia and a small band of Mingo warriors under the command
of Tanacharison (the “Half King”), attacked a force of 35 French soldiers under the command of Joseph
Coulon de Jumonville, sparking first the French and Indians War, and later, the Seven Years' War.
WBritain has successfully brought to life in stunning detail and color the many players in this epic
struggle for control of the world's people and resources in the Clash of Empires collection.