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Frontline Figures

Frontline Figures

Frontline Figures are finely hand painted metal figurines designed and produced in Hong Kong.  Frontline toy soldiers began in 1983 by two English professional architectural model makers Gerard Prime and Howard Swales.  All Frontline figures, vehicles and equipment are 1/32 scale or 54mm in size. Toy Soldier production is first class of the highest quality and detail.

 In  July of 1993 Frontline Figures was judged to be of such quality that they received overall first prize for commercially produced figures at the World Expo '93 Model Soldier Exposition held in Washington DC.  Collectors world wide have long recognized Frontline toy soldiers as a responsible and commercially sound company for outstanding quality, castings and painting. 

Frontline Figures has moved its production operation to China drawing on the centuries old skills and knowledge of metal casting and creative porcelain and other painting techniques. Quality control of Fronline Figures is not only carried out in China but in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom as well.

Production of Frontline Figures continues to grow and is continually being expanded to include Toy Soldiers from the Crimean War period, and to model the "Charge of the Light Brigade" and "The Red Thin Line" based on the classic painting by famous Gibbs. Included in both ranges are the British, French and Russian Regiments along with Russian artillery.