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Limited Editions

Limited Editions

The first Limited Edition set was released in 1983 , Cameron Highlanders set 5183, and was initially designed for William Britians agents/dealers Reeves International in the United States.  Other than the Tartan on the kilts of the figures, the only difference between the items in this set and the standard Highland issues of the time is that the Camerons in the Limited Edition set have rifles with bayonets attached. Limited Edition sets were restricted to a pre-assigned amount of sets and normally were only offered for one year.  In 1998 Britains stopped releasing details of the number of sets that would be issued for each Britains Limited Edition.  In 1989 WBritain issued thier first catalog which included illustrations of the Limited Edition line. Trains and Toy Soldiers is proud to offer a number of WBritain Limited Edition sets in near mint condition. Collectors appreciate the value of these sets, making them highly collectible.