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Museum Collection

Museum Collection

Sometimes a single image can become a symbol for an entire period of history. A single moment in the life of an unnamed soldier or certain pose of famous statesman can bring a powerful flood of emotion. Some of these moments are captured in the WBritain Museum collection. The Museum Collection includes a stunning depiction of a young Thomas Jefferson contemplating the Declaration of Independence. A moment and a document which defined a new nation. The Museum Collection also includes a United States Marnie military miniature patrolling the hostile terrain of Vietnam. This unnamed devil dog reminds us of the hundreds of thousands that served there and more than ten thousand that died for their brothers in that far away land. Make sure you check back often to the Trains and Toy Soldier website for new releases in the Museum Collection, some truly extraordinary items are soon to be release by W. Britain. Trains and Toy Soldiers is proud to be an official WBritain dealer. Trains and Toy Soldiers offers the finest toy soldiers and military miniatures to our customers at competitive prices. Please call or email us today, if you have any questions or if we can help find that prefect toy soldier for your collection.