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Between May of 1803 and November of 1815, Napoleon‘s name was often cheered and cursed but always feared. Since the time of King Charlemagne, nearly a thousand years earlier, Europe had been largely ruled by the a few prominent noble families, and it was the duty of the people to support their Monarch. In September 1785, Napoleon Bonaparte received his commission as a Second Lieutenant in the French Army of Louis XVI. This seemingly inconsequential embarkation upon a military career would actually forever alter the essence of Europe. Napoleon’s brilliant mind, daring deeds, and political savvy lead to meteoric rise through the ranks. He became a General at twenty four, General in command of the Army of Italy at twenty seven, and the “first consul” of France at thirty one. Almost without pause for next fifteen years, Napoleon would battle the rest of Europe and conspiracies in France to remain in power. The French hostilities against the other European powers are known to history as Napoleonic Wars and WBritains toy soldiers series depicts the warriors of that age with exacting accuracy and careful craftsmanship. The large variety of military miniatures that WBritain produces allows the collector to create almost any layout that collector can imagine. Please let us know if we can assist you in find that perfect addition to your collection.