Sons of the Empire
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Sons of the Empire
While Queen Victoria reigned in London, the sun never set on the British Empire. The cornerstone of that empire was India. The resources acquired from this land would allow the British Empire to stand atop the world. Since the bloody uprisings in the middle of eighteenth century, the crown had taken over direct rule of the wide expanses of the subcontinent. But Great Britain would never have the manpower to control such a vast lands with armies from the homeland, and so a singular system emerged. British officers would command companies of native born soldiers. These “Sons of the Empire” were not only the strength of Raj for nearly one hundred years, but also traveled to distant lands to campaign for England in wars across the globe. King and Country Sons of the Empire collection allows you to recreate these unique battlefields of yesterday. The uncompromising attention to the smallest detail and handcrafted excellence make these toy figurines some of finest toy soldiers available anywhere.