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In the past three decades, Z scale electric model trains have seen an explosion of popularity. The incredible detail and superior construction quality from brands such as Micro-Trains has earned z scale trains a large and devoted following. With roots going back to the 1940’s, Micro-Trains is an American company that has long history make excellent electric model trains and accessories. Most Micro-Trains Z scale locomotives are A units and generally cab forward, normally paired with B units. The locomotives have sugar cube sized engines and are extremely durable. Due to their small size and weight, it is recommended that low grade layouts, 2% for longer trains and 4% for shorter trains, be used. Steeper grade layouts might result in the locomotives spinning its wheels. Trains and Toy Soldiers is family run business of model railroaders. We are always eager to answer your questions about any of model trains and accessories. Please give us a call at 1-800-786-1888, or leave us your questions on our comments page. Trains and Toy Soldiers loves talking trains.