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Piko America

Piko America

There have been numerous manufacturers of G Gauge and G Scale trains throughout the years. A few of the more well none manufacturers include Aristocraft, USA Trains, Kalamazoo Trains, LGB, and now Piko Trains.  Piko is a high quality G Scale manufacturer of locomotives, G Gauge track, switches, turnouts, crossings, electric switch machines, buildings and accessories.

Piko America is known for outstanding quality and revered by serious G Gauge Garden Railroaders world wide. Piko's famous Mogul Steam Locomotive is highly sought after.  Two of the newer Mogul steam locomotives the Santa Fe D&RGW, Denver Rio Grande Western, with sound and smoke are highly detailed and powerful enough to pull a long line of railroad cars.

Garden Railroading is the fastest growing train hobby in the United States.  Interest in building a G Scale layout either indoors or outdoors has gained popularity among both men and women. The space required is much larger than Ho or O scale trains but this is offset by the highly detailed locomotives and rolling stock.  G Gauge trains are operated year round.  You'll find a locomotive with a snow plowing pushing snow in the middle of winter do to the weather proof track, equipment and electronics of these massive model trains.

Trains and Toy Soldiers is harpy to offer a wide selection of Piko G Scale trains, buildings, track and accessories.  Piko America is the exclusive source for Piko trains, track, buildings and accessories and Trains and Toy Soldiers is delighted to join their team of dealers across the USA. Piko G Scale starter sets is an easy way to enter the world of Garden Railroading.  Piko train starter sets can be setup indoors or outdoors, they come with a full circle of track (R1 radius 600mm/23.6".