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G Gauge

G Gauge

Garden railroading combines the love of model trains with the love of gardening. G scale electric model trains and garden landscapes mixed with creative structures combine to make some of the most impressive layouts we have ever seen. Getting started is easy with a variety of stater sets, which include track, engine, rolling stock and a power transformer, from LGB Trains, Piko America and USA Trains. A wonderful and inexpensive military starter set, includes the powerful Mighty Mack engine, by Hartland Locomotive is available exclusively from Trains and Toy Soldiers for under $150.00.  The USA built set is ready to run, just add fun, imagination and playtime. Visit our large showroom and watch the Mighty Mack engine in action.

Locomotives and rolling stock can be found meandering amongst the flowers, bushes, tall grasses, rocks and even waterfalls. You’ll find a vast selection of locomotives, rolling stock and accessories from Hartland Locomotive, Piko America, USA Trains and LGB here at Trains and Toy Soldiers. You will find a large selection of diesel and steam locomotives, boxcars, tank cars, coal hoppers, flat cars with loads, cabooses, from center cupola to the most beloved caboose of all; the bay window caboose. Track from LGB, Piko America and USA Trains is in stock along with numerous parts to assist you in getting started or expanding your G Gauge Garden Railroad.

Perhaps you’ll enjoy modeling the Wild West with vast open prairies, mountains and a desert sprinkled with cacti and sage as either the General or the Jupiter, both classic American locomotives, slowly make their way across the open prairies of your garden railroad.

Many people have discovered that Garden electric model railroading is great family fun. Everyone can get involved from helping level the land to laying the track to sculpting mountains, planting grasses, building buildings, painting figurines and best of all running the train. Get started in building your own wonderful garden railroad now. Trains and Toy Soldiers offers a wide selection for all skill levels in locomotives, rolling stock, track and accessories. Make sure you always hear about the latest products and discounts by sign up for email updates here.